I know, I know, you all thought I fell off the face of the earth didn't you? Well, I have to admit, for a while there I wasn't sure if I was still living on planet earth either. For those of you who don't follow my posts on Facebook, I have been feeling poorly for the past several months. My energy level was gone and I had a hard enough time going to work, let alone doing anything fun. Right before Thanksgiving I was hospitalized with severe anemia. My iron level was so low, that my blood didn't even have enough hemoglobin to carry the oxygen I needed to my brain. No wonder I felt like I was walking around in a fog! Well, I'm happy to report that after a couple blood transfusions, and a straight cocktail of Iron delivered to my system, I'm feeling much better.
While I haven't been posting, I have been stamping. A little oxygen deprivation wasn't going to get in the way of me doing that! So, I have several new things to show you. I realize that most of these are Holiday related, and not really relevant to right now, but I'm hoping you don't mind seeing Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas projects in January. Let's just pretend I'm really on the ball and ready for next year :)
So, here is wishing a safe, happy, and most of all healthy New Year for us all!