Friday, August 2, 2013

Turning Contacts into Customers by Emily Montoya

The second class I chose to attend was taught by Emily Montoya. She shared how to turn those contacts we all have into actual customers. She put a bit of a different spin on it though. She used the advice we all hear as kids from our Mom's.

So Tip number was was Don't Sell to Strangers. No, that doesn't mean you have to ingore those leads on DBWS from people you don't know. It just means you need to get to know your contacts. Find out about their lives and see what needs you can meet. You have to start a conversation. 

Then Emily says to do your homework. Homework can come in many different forms, but some of the most common are listed below. This is how you keep track of all those contacts who haven't ordered from you quite yet.

The next piece of advice is a little off the wall. Wear Clean Underwear. While this isn't being taken literally, it means to have a Strategy or Incentive in place. We wear clean underwear in case we are in an accident, we do it as a strategy to prevent embarrassment just in case. This is what Emily was talking about.

 The next thing is don't push. As a seller, we want people to buy what we are offering, but it isn't always the right time. Emily's suggestion is to change this to don't push at the wrong time. By getting to know our contacts, we will know when the right time is.

Finally, the last piece of advice from Mom is don't forget to smile. This is sometimes easier said than done. Especially when you have those trying contacts who want to know why you can't show them how to use the BigShot they bought at that box store with their 40% off coupon. 

If you want to learn more, there is an upcoming Webinar based on this class being taught by Emily. I have to say, I definitely think it was well worth my time, and you should give it a try.

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