Friday, January 8, 2010

Calendar Downline Meeting

One of my Yahoo group friends was telling us that her downline got together and made a calendar....with every one of them making a month. I thought it was such a great idea that I told my Upline about it, and she agreed with this Friday we will be getting together and putting together a calendar. Since it was my idea, I got first choice at the months I wanted to do so I picked October and January. I'll be honest, the only reason I picked them was because I had found some cool punch art on Ellen Kempers Blog that I really needed a reason to CASE :) That poor woman must think I'm stalking her....I"m ALWAYS over there looking at her punch art....but it's just because its so darn amazing, I promise! Anyway, Here is the October page. Ellen has a whole ton of these scary eyeballs on her blog, but these were my favorite. I decided to leave the majority of the page open for a picture if they want to put one on there. I really liked the way it turned out...hopefully my side lines will too!

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