Ok, my blog is now an entire year old....and for the first time ever I have let it lapse more than a day. I'm not sure what has been wrong with me lately, but I just haven't been able to get it together. Maybe it is the 14" of snow that have fallen since I returned from the cruise. Well, I am happy to report, that I think I may have found some of my MoJo this weekend. I'm still working on a few things, but I definitely have some projects to post. In order to give me a little time to complete what is in my head, I'm going to show you some projects made by my sideline and upline over the next couple of days. Remember the
calendar pages I showed you a while back? Well, we finally got together and exchanged them. Not everyone was present, but I got a few and they are awesome!!! This first one I am going to show you is the one for July. I wish I could remember who made what, but I can't.....so, all I can tell you is these were created by the Stupid Hour Inkers group. I hope you enjoy. Oh, for some weird reason some of you have been asking to see some pictures of my vacation....so for the next few days ( or month... I took a ton of pictures) I'll post one or two at the end of each of my posts. If you don't want to see them, or if you just don't care, stop reading after the project picture :) Ok, I'll see you tomorrow....I promise this time!

This was our ship...the Norweigan Jade. It was an awesome boat....but really really really big

And this is hubby and I all geared up for our lifeboat drill. The US Coastguard (what do they have to do with anything? We left from Barcelona, Spain!!) wouldn't let us leave port until we had a lifeboat drill. Orange is my favorite color, but even I had to grimace when I saw this picture!!!