First of all she put us all at ease by admitting that she was in pending! Do you know how good that makes a demo feel that the CEO's daughter sometimes has a difficult time making her quotas too? :) Anyway, Sara said that is all behind her, because she is going to use the kits found in the Holiday mini to plan out her monthly classes for the rest of the year. You have to give it to her, it's a great plan, and it will keep her active as a demo.
Her first class was for August. She planned on using the Build a Banner Kit to make a celebrate banner for 8 people.
She used a slide to show us how the breakdown in price would work for this class. She recommended charging $30 per person.Her September Class was to make another banner using the Halloween Banner accessory kit. This class also cost $30.
In case you wanted to just play with the Halloween Banner accessory kit, she showed us how to make an alternate frame project.
The October class used the simple Created Thankful kit. She made the project exactly like the sample in the Holiday mini.
This class was only $25 per person.
Sara also showed us an alternate project using this kit where she made a Thankful Journal. She had a page for each of her children. I loved the pictures of them jumping on a trampoline!
The November Kit used the Merry Little Christmas Simply Created Card Kit and Bundle.
She showed us how we could make this adorable Christmas tree card by cutting apart the Kit. I wasn't able to get a good picture of the actual dimensions where she cut, but I'm pretty sure I can figure it out!
Finally her last class for the year was to make another banner. This one says BRRR!
I love all the added touches, like this silver ribbon and clear faceted button around the snowflake.
She also showed how using the snowflake framelits you could make a snowflake ring to string onto your banner.
I love how simple it is to put together a class using these already created kits out of the holiday mini, and Sara made it all so simple by even breaking down the costs. Now I just need to find eight people who want to make these awesome projects!