My children are creative. I've never said otherwise. They are both creative and imaginative. It's no wonder they enjoy stamping about as much as I do.
Today, my daughter was helping me mount some stamps. I had several sets that I had just sitting on the table, so we were putting them together and chatting. Then my five year old son wanted to help. No offense to him, but I don't trust him with my stamps. He whined a bit, but then left. Or so I thought........
After we had finished several sets my son appeared in the room. "Look Mom! I'm a transformer." As you can see from these pictures he had taken the outer "frame" from my stamps and plastered it to himself. He said it gave him robot parts like the transformers. In case you were curious, the purple part on his right hand side was his shooting part.

I wasn't horribly concerned. I thought he looked kinda cute. He stayed in "Robot Mode" for a little while and then came in to say that he wanted me to help him take off his "Robot parts". By now you should start to see the problem. These pieces are sticky. I mean really really sticky. Needless to say after much pulling and screaming and even using alcohol to cut the stickiness we finally got them off. As you can see from these pictures he wasn't nearly as happy after we took them off. They left little red welts all over his body. Did it phase him? Nope! "Look Mom, Now I have Robot parts for real!" He and my daughter played match the stamp to his red welts for another hour! Anyway, this is one thing you should NEVER EVER do!