For those of you who don't know.....Yesterday was the last day of my "real" job. To make a long story short, my company no longer has the contract. It was a wonderful three years......and I am going to miss it. While there are plenty of downfalls to being out of work (not being able to buy as many stamping supplies as I want to!!! being only one of them) there is always a silver lining as well.....First, I have more time to stamp! Second, I already have a wonderful job with Stampin' Up! Third, for the first time in 3 years I have no laundry piled up waiting to be washed or folded. Another wonderful benefit of not having to go to work every day is I am able to be here for my kids. For example, Jay's first grade teacher is finally coming back to school after having a beautiful baby girl. I was planning a baby shower for a friend of mine, and Jay wanted to know if he could plan one for his teacher. I spoke to the substitute, and she has agreed to let me come into the class a couple of times over the next few weeks so the kids can make baby shower invitations, and decorations. When Mrs. Culp finally returns, the kids will be throwing her a very small.....first grade baby shower. If I was working, I wouldn't have been able to do this. Today I'm going to school and we are making the invites.
I made 3 x 3 cards as these will just be going home with the kids. I used the cutest little baby build a bear stamp and will let the kids color each of their's in while I'm at the class. I prestamped the words and stuck the ovals together so all they have to do is peel the dimensional and put it on their card. The information is on the inside and was done with My Digital Studio. I hope the kids like them.