Now, on to the cards. We were asked to make a missing you card, but with my husband's deployment so close, I couldn't bear to even think about how much I will be missing him. Instead I chose a thank-you theme for all the soldiers who have given so much in order to guarantee I can have my freedom.
This card was relatively easy to do....but I think it has a pretty big impact. To get the multi-colored background, simply use versamark and a stamp or wheel to put your images on white card stock. Cover the images with clear embossing powder and then heat. Once the embossing powder is set and the card stock has cooled, sponge the ink colors of your choice over the images. It really is that simple!
Finally, I made one more card. Imagine, if you will, that it has been sent to you from one of our fallen. While BBQ's, Graduation and Vacation are all important, it is truly a time to remember this weekend. So take a quick minute and definitely REMEMBER those that gave their lives for our country.
Now, to see even more great cards and projects, check out My VC Rocker Friend Barbara. I'm sure you'll be just as delighted by her contribution as I am!!! http://www.theloveofstamping.com/